Luister naar de nieuwste podcast met een Female Leader: Caroline Glasbergen

Welcome to a new episode of the New Female Leaders podcast

Welcome to a new episode of the New Female Leaders podcast. The podcast about authentic leadership where we interview role models and experts and together we try to answer the question: what IS authentic female leadership? How can you make an impact and stay true to yourself? This time we’re talking to the third man on the NFL Podcast: Max Strom, expert and global breathing teacher.

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Max Strom

Almost 90 percent of the CEOs or high-level executives that I’ve spoken with are living a lie. And what I mean by that is they put forth to their colleagues and employees that they have it all under control and everything is great. And they have this great project and they’re moving forward. But then they go into their office and they feel like they’re about to lose it.”

– Max

Here’s what you will learn:

  • How breathing is a part of our communication
  • How you deal with and heal repressed emotions
  • Why power and status do not fulfill
  • The importance of creating a product that makes the world a better place
  • How doing the inner work can give your life more meaning
  • How you can become a better leader
  • Why breathwork exercises are important before meditation
  • A gratitude visualization exercise that you can use as an antidote against anxiety and stress 

 Scroll down for an introduction, show notes, and relevant links

Get to your own definition of authentic leadership with the New Female Leader book

In the book New Female Leader Caroline gives you concrete handles for how to lead as a woman and stay with your own values. You'll read from inspiring female rolemodels, Caroline gives you tips to lead in your own way and refers to relevant researches so you can find your own definition of authentic leadership. 



Max’s parents taught him not to express pain, to deal with it and keep going. It came at a high cost because, as a grown man, he did not know how to talk about feelings. Max felt like he was “living in a prison made with his own hands”, and he was unable to get out until he discovered yoga. Soon he started a regular yoga practice that included high-level breathing.

Slowly there was a big change happening that he had not bargained for. His relationships improved, he learned more about breathwork and psychology. Over time, it improved his level of emotional intimacy and connection with people.

Max found his voice, the teacher and leader within, and developed two groundbreaking breathing methods: Breathe to Heal and Inner Axis. These techniques help you at home and at work. 

Practicing breathwork in business is important because we’re still human beings with emotions that manifest in our bodies. Intense stress gives us stiff muscles and disrupts our sleep. This means that our emotions come through the body, and if we want to perform well at work, we need to be in a superior state. If we’re running on empty, we’re going to be in a downwards spiral, and we’re going to crash and have a burnout or panic attack. 

“Breathing exercises can mitigate this and can regulate our emotions in this way. Therefore, to me, it’s critical that everyone learns them.”

 Scroll down for show notes and relevant links from the interview

What is your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Be a role model and share your insights in the comments!

Show notes


  • Time stamp
  • Notes
  • [0.02.11]
  • Max explains why breathwork is important in the business environment
  • [0.06.29]
  • Max explains how the lungs have two primary emotions associated with them: grief and inspiration
  • [0.08.30]
  • Max explains why communicating about difficult subjects and dealing with repressed emotions is important
  • [0.12.18]
  • Max shares his findings of the CEOs he has coached: 90% are living a lie
  • [0.15.04]
  • Max explains how women have been on a journey of self-discovery for much longer than men
  • [0.19.12]
  • Max explains why our definition of success is outdated and why we have a lot of recalibration to do in our society
  • [0.21.03]
  • Max explains why it’s important to create a product that makes the world a better place and also to take care of your employees
  • [0.27.34]
  • Max shares how he used to live in a prison made by his own hands and the inner work he did to return to his true self
  • [0.32.31]
  • Max explains the key to leadership according to him and shares examples from historical leaders like Alexander the Great, Gandhi, and Teddy Roosevelt
  • [0.40.11]
  • Max explains the importance of doing breathwork exercises before meditation
  • [0.43.50]
  • Max explains why gratitude is one of the most important antidotes against anxiety and stress
  • [0.46.52]
  • Max guides you through a gratitude visualization exercise
  • [0.50.57]
  • Max explains that what we need during this pandemic becomes more and more simple: we need to be seen and loved for who we are
  • [0.53.54]
  • Caroline shares how you can participate in a giveaway where you can win Max’s online course ‘Breathe to Heal’

The handbook for new leadership from your own values

In the book New Female Leader Caroline gives you concrete handles for how to lead as a woman and stay with your own values. 

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Het New Female Leader boek

Het handboek voor nieuw leiderschap vanuit je eigen waarden

Zie dit boek als een handboek om je eigen definitie aan leiderschap te geven, waarbij we een model hebben ontwikkeld met handvatten hoe je dit nou het beste kunt doen. Het boek bevat tips van de rolmodellen, in combinatie met Caroline haar visie, analyse en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, zodat je tot je eigen authentieke vorm van leiderschap kunt komen.

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New Female Leaders Accelerator

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Het is niet eenvoudig om als vrouw authentiek te leiden.

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Droom jij er ook van te staan voor wie je echt bent? Om te leiden vanuit vrijheid, verbinding, zelfbewustzijn en je eigen waarden? Je kwaliteiten maximaal in te zetten en je potentieel te benutten om de wereld een stukje beter te maken? 

En wil je een netwerk van vrouwen hebben die net zo ambitieus zijn als jij? Wil je worden geïnspireerd door rolmodellen en zelf een rolmodel zijn voor anderen? En ook nog gecoacht te worden door de beste Executive Coaches?

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NIna Shaw

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